
How to Get a Lower Interest Rate on Your Business Debt through Outsourcing

As an executive or business owner in Australia, you constantly seek ways to reduce operating costs, enhance profitability and lower the interest rate being paid on your business debt. 

Business debt is a critical element of any organisation. It provides a mechanism to fund working capital, grow your business, and, in many cases, purchase your own commercial property to operate from.

With interest rates increasing in Australia over the last couple of years and inflation still at a level the RBA is uncomfortable with, businesses face high financing costs especialy if they have high levels of business debt.

Outsourcing can help you reduce those financing costs. In this article, we will explain why and how.

The interest rate a business pays for debt is quite a bit different from that of consumer debt. Consumer debts tend to have a set rate based on the amount borrowed and the loan valuation ratio (LVR). Business debts, however, are priced for risk, which means lenders look at a lot more than just the amount and LVR.

Outsourcing can improve your rating in several key risk measures, putting you in a solid position to demand a lower interest rate from your lender while increasing your borrowing capacity so you can leverage more opportunities to grow your business.

The Challenge Facing Australian Businesses

High inflation and rising interest rates go hand in hand. Ultimately, this leads to higher costs for businesses with business debt, squeezing profit margins. Coupled with skill shortages and higher wages, it is tough to be a business owner and to run a business profitably.  

Many business operators have been planning for these challenges and consequently gaining a competitive advantage as conditions got tougher. The reality is these challenges will be here for a while, and even if they improve, the cyclical nature of the economy means they will be sure to surface again anyway. 

If you still need to take steps to leverage outsourcing’s clear benefits, now is the time to start. So, let’s look specifically at how outsourcing can help reduce the interest rate on your business debt. 

Factors Influencing Business Loan Interest Rates

If you have heard the term “Reward for Risk” then this is exactly how lenders look at it when lending money to a business.

They need a satisfactory return for the risk they are taking in lending you money. If they consider you a higher risk, your interest rate will be higher. The reverse is also true; if you represent a low level of risk, your interest rate will be lower.

Several factors influence lenders’ perceptions of your level of risk. Lenders consider all these factors to determine your credit quality as a business customer. They sometimes refer to their assessment of your business as a “Risk Grade” or “Credit Grade.”

The interest rate margin applied to your debt is often directly aligned with this assessment of your business. As such, the stronger you can make your business in the eyes of lenders, the better the interest rate they will offer you.

Let’s take a look at some of these factors more closely.

Cash Flow & Profitability

Cash flow from profitable business operations is how you will repay your business debt. It is known as the first way out and is what lenders consider when assessing your eligibility for a loan.

Lenders prioritise cash flow as the primary means of repaying loans as they want to rely on something other than selling assets held as security. Strong cash flow and consistent and growing profitability levels reduce risk in a lender’s eyes, leading to better loan terms.

You can quickly see that outsourcing roles to lower-cost offshore locations can immediately improve your business’s cash flow and profitability.

Whilst it may take time for these savings to flow through to your financial statements and bank accounts, you can explain the strategies undertaken to your Bank or Mortgage Broker, and they can push the case to have some of your wages costs “added back” to give them an expected or adjusted net profit figure moving forward. More on this powerful approach later!


Collateral is the security a lender has for your business debt. They also refer to this as the second way out. In other words, if you can’t make loan repayments, this is how they will get their money back.

The quality of the assets securing the business debt impacts the level of risk and, therefore, the interest rate you will be offered. Residential and commercial properties offer the best security, leading to lower rates. Other assets like stock, debtors, and equipment are considered lower in quality, resulting in higher rates. Unsecured debts attract the highest interest rates.

Gearing or Leverage

The Loan to Valuation Ratio (LVR) measures the level of debt against the value of the assets held as security. A lower LVR indicates lower risk or a lower risk of incurring a loss, resulting in better interest rates. Lenders generally prefer LVRs of up to 80% for residential properties and 70% for commercial properties.


The experience and character of the management team also influence the risk assessment and, consequently, the interest rate.

Depending on your industry, demonstrating that you have established relationships with premium outsourcing companies who have been supporting businesses to achieve success can be a big tick.

Working with the executives of these companies can help you, as a business owner or leader, learn from their experience, expand your network, and be exposed to new business opportunities or partnerships that you would not have otherwise.

How Outsourcing Can Improve Key Financial Metrics

Outsourcing will result in substantial cost savings and improved financial metrics for your business. Let’s take a look at some of the key ones here.

EBITDA Improvement

EBITDA (Earnings Before Interest, Tax, Depreciation, and Amortisation) is a crucial metric for lenders and is important in determining a borrower’s risk grade. It is calculated using your business’s profit and loss statement.

EBITDA = Net Profit Before Tax + Interest + Depreciation + Amortisation

Outsourcing can boost your EBITDA by reducing operating costs and improving your net profit, making your business more resilient to economic downturns and improving your borrowing capacity.

There is also a commonly used term called “Adjusted EBITDA.” This is when manual adjustments are made to some of the components of EBITDA to reflect a future position. Let’s say, for example, there was a one-off expense in your profit and loss statement, like a loss on the sale of an asset. The Bank will add that back as it is not going to reoccur in the future.

Similarly, you can demonstrate that you have executed an offshore staffing outsourcing plan. In that case, you can easily quantify the savings you expect to achieve, and the lender may “add back” these locked-in savings. Doing so will increase your net profit before tax and EBITDA and, as a result, improve your risk grade as a borrower for business debt. 

Increased Borrowing Capacity

Improving your business’s Net Profit Before Tax and EBITDA by executing an outsourcing strategy also increases your borrowing potential. Lenders will see that you can afford a higher level of debt now that your profits are higher and cash flow is more robust. Much the same as getting a higher salary typically means you can afford to borrow more.

By being able to borrow more, you open the door to more opportunities. You could use this to buy your own commercial property to operate from rather than rent, purchase new equipment to expand your business’s capacity, or acquire a competitor and then apply your cost-saving strategies to that business, too.

Your more substantial cash flow and, consequently, more significant cash reserves could also be used to reduce business debt and improve the strength of your business balance sheet, which positively influences your risk grade and the level of interest rates you can get from a lender.

Hypothetical Case Study: ABC Transport Logistics

ABC Transport Logistics, a hypothetical Australian company for the purposes of this case study, faced challenges in financing a new truck due to tight debt servicing ratios. They needed this truck in order to tender on a new contract, which they would normally be favourites to win.

By outsourcing one Accounts Payable/Receivable role to the Philippines, they saved $46,000 annually.

This improved their Net Profit Before Tax and EBITDA. It saw their Credit Grade with their Bank improve and could consequently show that they could afford to by the extra truck and win the new contract that was on offer and they got a lower rate due to their improved risk profile.

Beyond Cost Savings: Strategic Advantages of Outsourcing

The benefits of outsourcing extend beyond immediate cost savings, better interest rates and improved borrowing capacity for business debt. Read our recent article, which explores all the benefits you can leverage beyond cheaper wages.

At the Australian Outsourcing Broker, we believe every business should explore the potential of outsourcing. The financial and operational advantages are significant, providing a competitive advantage.

Contact us to receive tailored outsourcing proposals from top outsourcing providers globally and discover how outsourcing can transform your business. By considering outsourcing, you can strategically position your business to thrive amidst rising interest rates, ensuring long-term success.


15 Benefits of Outsourcing to the Philippines Beyond Wage Savings

As a business owner or executive in Australia, you always seek ways to enhance efficiency, profitability, and growth.

Outsourcing to the Philippines is often seen as a way to achieve an instant fix to wage expenses. Still, the benefits of outsourcing to the Philippines go far deeper than that.

Here are the 15 compelling reasons to consider outsourcing to the Philippines beyond the 50-70% direct wage savings

Employee Satisfaction and Retention of Australian Staff

Delegating mundane or repetitive tasks to your offshore team can improve job satisfaction for your onshore staff in Australia. You can re-design their job descriptions so that their work is more rewarding and fulfilling. The wage savings can be redirected to provide additional staff benefits or even salary increases to key team members in Australia, enhancing morale and retention.

In addition, delegating the responsibility to lead offshore staff members can be a highly rewarding and engagement opportunity for your Australian staff as well. They will have a sense of ownership for the success of the person in the Philippines, and it will open their eyes to a whole other culture.

Comprehensive List of Inclusions

Offshore outsourcing services include office space, equipment, internet, government benefits, leave entitlements, and engagement activities. Your outsourcing partner will also manage HR and payroll for your offshore team. This can reduce the workload on your existing HR and finance team, allowing them to focus on more strategic, value-added work. In some cases, you may even eliminate the need for an onshore HR and payroll team altogether.

When we talk about office space, we are talking about state-of-the-art office facilities with both physical and biometric security and outstanding staff facilities. The outsourcing partners that we work with have your business security in mind too. They will be PCI DSS compliant and many will be certified with ISO 27001:2013 and ISO 9001:2015 for information management practices. 

Hassle-Free Recruitment

After an initial calibration session, your outsourcing partner fully manages the recruitment process for offshore staff. From job ad creation to applicant screening and aptitude testing, you only get involved when they have found candidates who meet your requirements to make the final interview and hiring decision. It is, without a doubt, one of the easiest ways to cherry-pick the best offshore talent from hundreds of applicants.

Different Gears of Operational Management

You can choose your level of involvement in daily operations of your offshore team. Outsourcing companies can provide dedicated or shared Team Leaders or Operations Managers to oversee the productivity and performance of your offshore team to agreed KPIs, leaving you to focus on the bigger picture with your business.

Alternatively, you can have complete control and oversight of daily operations and have the staff report directly to one of your onshore staff, or in some cases, for larger businesses, an expat based full-time in the Philippines to embed your company culture and embed best practices.

Stonger Cash Flow

Benefit from favourable payment terms to improve your cash flow. Payment of invoices for outsourcing services in arrears can increase your business’ working capital. Alternatively, you may negotiate discounted rates by paying an invoice in advance, thus amplifying the cost savings. Choose the option that works best for your business.

Improved Credit Rating & Lower Your Business Interest Rates

Most businesses will have some form of Bank financing, whether it be a business overdraft for working capital, vehicle and equipment leasing or a term loan for their business premises. The interest rate charged by financiers is often linked to your “Credit Grade” or “Credit Score”. You can boost your business’s credit grade by improving profitability metrics such as Net Profit Before Tax (NPBT) and EBITDA (Earnings Before Interest, Taxation, Depreciation and Amortisation) and building a stronger balance sheet.

You can improve these metrics by reducing costs and increasing profitability. As a result, you can secure a lower interest rate on your business loan facilities the next time you apply or have a review completed, amplifying the financial benefits of outsourcing to the Philippines even more.

Access to Global Talent & Development Programs

With a critical skills shortage in Australia and escalating wage pressures, businesses must look offshore to secure essential talent. You can outsource various roles, from the basic, like administrative support, customer service agents, and debt collection agents, to the complex, like full-stack developers, data scientists, and business analysts. There isn’t a single industry that can’t benefit from outsourcing and protect itself from the risk of not having suitably qualified staff to implement day-to-day operations.

Philippines Outsourcing companies will also have their own employee development programs so your staff members continually improve their capabilities. From basic skills training in specific software programs, to soft skills, industry certifications and leadership development, every opportunity exists for your outsourced staff member to grow professionally – and your business will get the benefits.

Scalable Solutions

Outsourcing with reputable companies offers a scalable employment solution for rapid growth and seasonal demand. With an extensive sourcing and recruitment team, outsourcing companies can quickly tap the market or their existing job seeker pool to find staff for new business strategies, product releases or organic growth.

Low Exit Costs & Flexibility

Due to the highly competitive landscape, outsourcing companies in the Philippines offer favourable commercial terms. Enjoy low exit costs if you need to downsize or discontinue your offshore strategy. You can generally exit with 30-90 days’ notice. Outsourcing companies must deliver outstanding service and value to retain you as a client and this can give you a lot of comfort as a business owner.

Executive Expertise and Business Connections

When you become a client of an outsourcing company in the Philippines, you will have access to executives and senior managers who provide valuable expertise and business connections. Typically, they will have worked with clients from around the world across many industry verticals. They will have experience with or have clients who use the world’s leading technology platforms – from CRMs to telephony systems.

Beyond that, they could introduce you to other clients where there may be some business synergies or commercial opportunities, opening doors that would not have existed for you otherwise. Outsourcing to the Philippines delivers this incredible benefit, which is not often discussed.

Fresh Perspectives

Offshore staff in the Philippines generally have diverse experience in global organisations and can bring valuable insights and fresh ideas to your business.

You may find staff who have worked with some of your competitors or worked for a similar business in a different country like the USA. You can tap into their knowledge and experience to see what you can learn and apply in your business.

In addition, being from a different country and culture, your staff in the Philippines may look at problems slightly differently, leading to new ideas for solving problems or innovating.

Travel Opportunities

Offering travel opportunities to your Australian staff is a great way to increase engagement and retain your best people. Not only will they get a unique business and personal experience, but the value they can add to your offshore team is immense. From training offshore staff to helping embed your company’s culture and values, it is always a positive experience for everyone. Filipino staff absolutely love client visits, and it builds an even stronger connection and level of loyalty.

At the Australian Outsourcing Broker, we offer outsourcing business tours to the Philippines so you can get a taste of the Philippines outsourcing industry and the country in general. If you are unsure whether outsourcing to the Philippines is the right strategy for you, we highly encourage you to participate in one of our two or three day tours. It will be one of the more worthwhile things you do personally and for your business. 

Access Latest Technologies

Outsourcing to the Philippines allows you to access bespoke or best-in-class technologies like RPA (Robotic Process Automation) and AI (Artificial Intelligence) more easily. Any serious outsourcing company in the Philippines is investing heavily in this space to provide AI solutions to business operations and people with the necessary AI expertise to work in your business.

Business Continuity Planning (BCP)

Outsourcing provides an exceptional BCP strategy, ensuring your operations continue smoothly in case of disruptions in Australia. Outsourcing companies in the Philippines have multiple levels of redundancy to ensure they have 100% up-time.

Community Impact

Outsourcing to the Philippines creates a new job for someone and improves their life and their family’s lives. This has been the most rewarding aspect of our involvement in the outsourcing industry – to see the positive impact our work has on people. 

People in the Philippines often get by much less than we do in Australia. Working for an Australian company through an outsourcing company is highly sought after in the Philippines as it allows them to work a day shift and lead an everyday life with their family (US companies need night shift workers in the Philippines).

In addition, working in the outsourcing industry is a well-paid career for people in the Philippines. The salary they earn, whilst modest by Australian standards, has a huge and positive impact on their family’s financial future. Working for an outsourcing company also comes with medical coverage for them and their family (and sometimes parents).

The outsourcing companies themselves do a lot of community engagement and have impactful programs that make a real difference to local communities around their offices. By outsourcing, you will be a part of something that brings a lot of good to many people.

Australian Outsourcing Broker CEO Andrew Carruthers supporting the He Cares Mission for look after homeless children in Quezon City during his time outsourcing to the Philippines

Australian Outsourcing Broker CEO Andrew Carruthers spending time at the He Cares Mission, an organisation that provides support and education to homeless children in Quezon City, Manila. 

Let us help you get started

In a nutshell, we strongly believe that every business should try to outsource at least one role to the Philippines to experience the benefits firsthand. There is very little to lose, but the upside is significant and will be a game changer for many businesses.

The Australian Outsourcing Broker is here to guide you every step of the way when it comes to outsourcing to the Philippines. From vendor selection to staff hiring and operational implementation, you can lean on our decades of experience to make the process as simple and effective as possible.

Contact us today at info@australianoutsourcingbroker.au or book a consultant with our CEO, Andrew Carruthers, here.


How to Recruit the Best Staff in the Philippines

Embarking on outsourcing with an offshore staffing provider in the Philippines is a significant step towards global expansion and operational efficiency. However, assembling the right team is the key to unlocking its full potential.

This guide delves into the critical aspects of the recruitment process, providing insights and strategies to ensure you build a team that aligns with your business objectives and cultural values.

“People are not your most important asset. The right people are. Jim Collins, Author of Good to Great

Initial Alignment with Your Offshore Staffing Partner

Understanding and Communicating Your Needs

It’s essential to have a calibration session with your offshore staffing provider. This step ensures that not only the recruitment managers but also the recruiters on the ground clearly understand your requirements. 

To achieve this:

  • Provide Clear Job Descriptions: Detail the role, expectations, and required skills and experience.
  • Conduct Observation Sessions: Let recruiters observe and interact with your on-shore team to understand the daily work requirements.
  • Review Job Ads: Ensure they accurately reflect the job, benefits, and company culture.

Investing time and effort in this phase significantly improves recruitment outcomes.

Evaluating Candidate Backgrounds

Navigating Cultural and Educational Differences

When recruiting from countries like the Philippines, you may encounter unique patterns in candidates’ work histories and educational backgrounds that need to be identified and understood. 

Qualifications and Career Choices

Many candidates might have degrees in Teaching or Nursing but apply for roles like Customer Service Representatives. This phenomenon often results from family-influenced educational choices and the economic allure of the BPO industry. Understanding these dynamics is crucial:

  • Degree Completion: Check if candidates have completed their degrees and discuss their future educational plans. There may be pressure from the family to go back and complete the degree.
  • Long-Term Commitment: Assess their commitment to the BPO industry despite their educational background. If their qualification allows them to work overseas, then that is a risk. 

Addressing Employment Gaps

Employment gaps can be common. It’s vital to understand the reasons behind them:

  • Family Care: Taking time off for family care is a common reason. Understand what commitments they may have toward this and what the support structure is like both for their immediate and extended family.
  • Health Issues: Some may have taken breaks for health reasons or to start small businesses. This may be a sign that the stress of full-time work got the better of them. They may also have underlying health issues that may result in excessive absences.

Discerning the genuine reasons behind these gaps helps in making informed hiring decisions.

Understanding Family Dynamics

The Role of Family in Applicant Lives

Family plays a significant role in the lives of potential team members, especially in countries known for offshore staffing solutions.

Single-Parent Dynamics and Support Structures

Many candidates might be single parents or primary caregivers. Understanding their family support structure is crucial for anticipating and managing potential absenteeism. Also, be aware that single parents can often be awarded additional annual leave days each year. A great initiative, but you need to be mindful of the impact that may have on your business.

Assessing Communication Skills

Importance of Pronunciation and Written English

Communication skills are paramount in offshore staffing:

  • Pronunciation: Ensure candidates can correctly pronounce key terms, including your company’s name.
  • Written English: For roles requiring written communication, assess their proficiency through tests and evaluations. 

Conducting Aptitude Assessments

Identifying Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking Skills

Incorporate basic aptitude tests in your screening process to evaluate candidates’ problem-solving, critical thinking, and general knowledge capabilities.

If the role is technical, let’s say it requires programming language competencies; adjust the testing accordingly. 

Conclusion: Building Your Dream Offshore Team

Leveraging the Talent Pool Effectively

Remember, when working with a quality outsourcing company, they handle much of the screening process. However, your involvement is crucial to avoid common pitfalls and ensure the recruitment of top-tier talent.

By following these guidelines and maintaining active involvement in the recruitment process, you can assemble an offshore team that meets and exceeds your expectations, setting the stage for business growth and success.


Philippines: The World’s Top Outsourcing Location

The Philippines has emerged as the leading global destination for outsourcing, attracting businesses worldwide. This phenomenon can be attributed to a combination of factors that have propelled the Philippines to the forefront of the outsourcing industry.

The Philippines’ Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) industry plays a significant role in the country’s economy and employment landscape. As of 2023, the industry is expected to employ about 1.7 million full-time employees (FTEs) and generate revenue of around US$35.9 billion.

This marks a substantial increase from previous years and highlights the sector’s continuous growth. By 2028, the industry is projected to create an additional one million job opportunities and generate over $59 billion in revenue. This growth is attributed to the global talent crunch, the need for businesses to minimise costs and the continually increasing acceptance of outsourcing as a must-have business strategy.

Understanding the concept of outsourcing and its global impact is crucial in appreciating the significance of the Philippines’ rise in this industry.

Understanding Outsourcing: A Brief Overview

Outsourcing has revolutionised the way businesses operate in today’s interconnected world. It involves contracting non-core business functions to external service providers, allowing companies to focus on their core competencies. Whether it’s customer service, IT support, or back-office operations, outsourcing has become a strategic decision for businesses seeking cost-effectiveness and efficiency. More recently, due to the global talent crunch, the Philippines has become increasingly popular for high-end roles such as Full-Stack Developers and Data Scientists.

The Concept of Outsourcing

Outsourcing allows businesses to tap into a vast pool of specialised skills that may not be available internally. By partnering with external service providers, companies gain access to professionals who are experts in their respective fields.

This collaborative approach enhances the organisation’s overall productivity and enables it to stay ahead of the competition by leveraging the latest industry trends and best practices.

For example, a quality Philippines outsourcing company will be servicing some of the world’s biggest brands, giving them a rare insight into operational best practices and putting them at the forefront of technology advancements.

The Global Impact of Outsourcing

The outsourcing industry has had a profound impact on economies around the world, creating new opportunities and reshaping traditional job markets. Globalisation and technological advancements have enabled companies to tap into global talent pools, redistributing jobs across borders.

Developed countries have seen a shift in their job markets as certain functions are outsourced to countries with lower labour costs. This has led to a restructuring of the workforce and a focus on higher-value tasks that require specialised skills. On the other hand, developing countries have experienced significant economic growth as they become preferred outsourcing destinations.

Countries like the Philippines have emerged as frontrunners in the outsourcing industry, offering a skilled workforce, cost-effective solutions, and a favourable business environment.

Furthermore, outsourcing has impacted job markets and contributed to the overall development of countries involved in the industry. Outsourcing companies establish their operations in different regions and bring in investments, infrastructure development, and knowledge transfer. This, in turn, stimulates economic growth and creates a ripple effect on various sectors of the economy.

In conclusion, outsourcing has transformed how businesses operate and become an integral part of the global economy. By delegating non-core functions to external service providers, companies can focus on their core competencies and achieve cost-effectiveness and efficiency.

The Rise of the Philippines in the Outsourcing Industry

The Philippines’ ascent to becoming the world’s top outsourcing destination is a testament to its history, current status, and promising future in the industry. Exploring the historical background of outsourcing in the Philippines and the current state of the outsourcing industry sheds light on the country’s remarkable growth.

Historical Background of Outsourcing in the Philippines

The Philippines’ journey in the outsourcing industry dates back to the early 1990s when call centre services were first established. Foreign companies recognised the Filipino workforce’s language proficiency and strong cultural affinity, making the country an ideal destination for customer service outsourcing.

The availability of a large pool of English-speaking individuals and their friendly and hospitable nature made the Philippines a natural choice for companies looking to outsource their customer support operations.
As the industry gained momentum, the Philippines expanded its outsourcing capabilities beyond call centre services.

Companies started outsourcing IT-related tasks like software development and maintenance to leverage the country’s skilled and tech-savvy workforce. The government also played a crucial role in promoting the outsourcing industry by providing tax and other incentives and creating a favourable business environment.

Over the years, the Philippines has built a reputation for delivering high-quality outsourcing services. The country’s educational system focuses on producing graduates who are well-versed in English and possess the necessary technical skills. This emphasis on education has contributed to the Philippines’ success in attracting multinational companies seeking top-notch talent.

The sector has expanded beyond Metro Manila, with about 30% of business process services being outsourced to other provinces like Clark Pampanga, Davao City, and Cebu City where there are a lot of tertiary institutions and international airports.

Current Status of the Outsourcing Industry in the Philippines

The Philippines continues to dominate the global outsourcing market, with a vast pool of talented professionals catering to multinational companies. Today, the country boasts state-of-the-art infrastructure, an English-proficient workforce, and a supportive business environment. These factors have solidified the Philippines’ position as the preferred outsourcing destination, surpassing countries like India and China.

One of the key advantages that the Philippines offers is its cost-effectiveness. Outsourcing to the Philippines allows companies to reduce operational costs significantly without compromising on quality. Compared to Western countries, the country’s lower labour costs make it an attractive option for businesses looking to streamline their operations and maximise profitability.

Furthermore, the Philippines’ outsourcing industry has diversified beyond traditional call centre services. It now encompasses various sectors, including finance, healthcare, engineering, and creative services. This diversification has allowed the country to tap into multiple markets and attract diverse clients.

The Philippines’ government has also been proactive in supporting the growth of the outsourcing industry. It has implemented policies to promote investment, improve infrastructure, and enhance the business environment. These efforts have further strengthened the country’s position as a global outsourcing hub.

The COVID-19 pandemic also created new opportunities for the Philippines BPO industry as businesses adapted to digital platforms and remote work arrangements. This shift allowed the industry to maintain resilience and growth, contributing to the country’s job creation and economic stability. The Philippine Economic Zone Authority (PEZA) facilitated this transition by allowing remote work arrangements, which reduced the need for dedicated office spaces and opened new avenues for the sector’s growth.

Remote or Hybrid work is now a key feature of outsourcing in the Philippines, and companies have become accustomed to it with their workers domestically and abroad.

Looking ahead, the future of the outsourcing industry in the Philippines appears promising. The country’s young and dynamic workforce and continuous investment in education and technology ensure a steady supply of skilled professionals.

As global businesses continue to recognise the Philippines’ outsourcing capabilities, the industry is expected to grow even further, contributing to the country’s economic development and creating more job opportunities for its citizens.

Key Factors Contributing to the Philippines’ Outsourcing Success

Several key factors contribute to the Philippines’ extraordinary success in the outsourcing industry. The role of the Filipino workforce, government policies and support, and the cost-effectiveness of outsourcing in the Philippines are instrumental in cementing its position as the world’s top outsourcing destination.

The Role of the Filipino Workforce

The Filipino workforce is one of the Philippines’ most significant assets in the outsourcing industry. Filipinos are renowned for their exceptional communication skills, high level of education, and cultural adaptability. These qualities make them highly sought after by companies looking for customer-oriented, skilled professionals who can seamlessly integrate into their operations.

Moreover, the strong work ethic ingrained in Filipino culture contributes to their success in the outsourcing industry. Filipinos are known for their dedication, perseverance, and willingness to go the extra mile to deliver exceptional service. This commitment to excellence has earned them a reputation for reliability and professionalism, further enhancing the Philippines’ standing as a preferred outsourcing destination.

Furthermore, the Philippines boasts a large pool of English-speaking talent, making it an ideal choice for companies seeking English-language support services. Filipinos’ proficiency in English, with their neutral accent and cultural affinity with Western countries, enables them to provide seamless customer service and support to clients from around the world.

Government Policies and Support

The Philippine government has played a pivotal role in the success of the outsourcing industry by implementing favourable policies and providing necessary support. Various initiatives, such as tax incentives, streamlined regulations, and investment promotion programs, have fostered a business-friendly environment, encouraging local and foreign companies to invest in outsourcing operations.

In addition to these initiatives, the government has also prioritised the development of infrastructure and technology to support the outsourcing industry. Investments in telecommunications, transportation, and power supply have improved connectivity and efficiency, enabling outsourcing companies to operate seamlessly and deliver services promptly.

Furthermore, the government has established specialised training programs and educational institutions to enhance the skills of the Filipino workforce in line with the evolving demands of the outsourcing industry. 

The two leading government agencies driving incentives for the outsourcing industry are the Philippine Economic Zone Authority (PEZA) and the Board of Investments (BOI). Their incentives are designed to attract foreign enterprises to the country and boost economic development. We take a look at some of the incentives that have been offered below.

Philippine Economic Zone Authority

PEZA provides numerous tax incentives to foreign enterprises engaged in export manufacturing, IT service export, tourism, and similar business activities, provided they are located within PEZA’s Special Economic Zones (SEZs). The incentives offered in over time have included:

    • An income tax holiday (ITH) of 4 to 7 years.

    • A preferential final tax of 5% of gross income instead of all national and local taxes after the ITH period.

    • Tax and duty-free importation of capital equipment, spare parts, and accessories.

    • Tax credits for exporters using local materials.

    • Exemption from expanded withholding tax.

    • Additional deduction for labour expenses.

    • Employment of foreign nationals in supervisory, technical, or advisory positions.

Board of Investments

BOI offers tax breaks and other incentives to entities that engage in activities identified as investment priorities or export-oriented (where export is more than 50% of production or 70% for enterprises with substantial foreign ownership). The incentives include:

    • 4 to 8-year income tax holidays.

    • Exemption from local business taxes for pioneer and non-pioneer industries for 4 to 6 years.

    • Duty exemption on imported capital equipment, spare parts, and accessories.

    • Exemption from wharfage dues, export tax, duty, impost, and fees.

    • Tax credits on imported raw materials.

    • Tax and duty-free importation of consigned equipment.

    • Additional deductions for labour expenses.

Additionally, other special economic zones like the Cagayan Economic Zone Authority (CEZA) and the Tourism Infrastructure and Enterprise Zone Authority (TIEZA) offer similar incentives for specific industries like gaming, tourism, and others.

These incentives are part of the Philippine government’s efforts to make the country a competitive destination for foreign investment and job creation in key development areas. Companies can consult with business consulting firms or directly approach the respective agencies for detailed information and assistance in availing of these incentives.

Cost-Effectiveness of Outsourcing in the Philippines

Cost-effectiveness is a major driving force behind outsourcing decisions. The Philippines offers competitive labour costs without compromising on quality. The low cost of living in the country allows companies to reduce operational expenses while maintaining high standards of service significantly. This cost advantage has made the Philippines attractive for businesses seeking outsourcing solutions.

Moreover, the Philippines’ strategic Southeast Asian location provides access to a vast talent pool at affordable rates. The country’s proximity to major markets, such as the United States, Australia, and Europe, allows for efficient communication and collaboration, minimising time zone differences and ensuring prompt service delivery.

Additionally, the Philippine government’s efforts to create a favourable business environment have resulted in cost-saving measures for outsourcing companies. Tax incentives, reduced bureaucracy, and streamlined regulations enable businesses to operate more efficiently and allocate resources effectively, further enhancing the cost-effectiveness of outsourcing in the Philippines.

Furthermore, the Philippines’ strong cultural affinity with Western countries, particularly the United States, contributes to the cost-effectiveness of outsourcing. Filipinos’ familiarity with Western culture and business practices minimises the need for extensive cultural training, reducing cross-cultural communication and adaptation costs.

Challenges and Opportunities in the Philippine Outsourcing Sector

Despite its remarkable success, the Philippine outsourcing sector faces several challenges. However, these challenges also present opportunities for growth and improvement.

Addressing the Challenges in the Outsourcing Industry

The outsourcing industry in the Philippines has challenges. Competition from other emerging outsourcing destinations, evolving technology, and the need for continuous skills development are some of the challenges that the industry faces. However, industry stakeholders are actively working to address these challenges through collaboration, innovation, and the adoption of advanced technologies.

Future Prospects for Outsourcing in the Philippines

The outlook for outsourcing in the Philippines remains highly promising. As the global business landscape evolves, the Philippines is positioning itself to seize new opportunities brought about by disruptive technologies and emerging market demands. The industry is diversifying into knowledge-intensive sectors, such as IT consulting and digital marketing, further solidifying the country’s status as the go-to destination for outsourcing.

The Impact of Outsourcing on the Philippine Economy

The Philippines’ rise as the world’s top outsourcing destination has significantly impacted its economy, generating numerous economic benefits and transforming the employment landscape.

Economic Benefits of Outsourcing

The outsourcing industry has played a crucial role in driving economic growth in the Philippines. It has created employment opportunities for millions of Filipinos and contributed to the overall development of the country’s infrastructure. Additionally, outsourcing has attracted foreign investments, boosting the country’s GDP and strengthening its position as a leading player in the global economy.

Outsourcing and Employment in the Philippines

Outsourcing has become a significant source of employment in the Philippines, providing millions of Filipinos with stable and well-paying jobs. It has played a pivotal role in reducing unemployment rates and generating income for individuals and their families. Through outsourcing, the Philippines has been able to harness its workforce’s potential and empower its citizens economically.

In conclusion, the Philippines has rightfully earned its reputation as the world’s top outsourcing destination. Its rise in the industry can be attributed to a combination of factors, including understanding the concept and global impact of outsourcing, the historical background, current status, key contributing factors, and the challenges and opportunities it presents.

The impact of outsourcing on the Philippine economy is undeniable, providing economic benefits and transforming the employment landscape. As the global business landscape evolves, the Philippines remains at the forefront, ready to embrace new opportunities and maintain its position as the preferred outsourcing destination.

Start Building Your Remote Team


Discover the Philippines: A Haven for Business & Leisure

Are you planning a business trip to the Philippines to visit your remote team? Or are you going for a holiday and will check out a few outsourcing companies whilst there? Either way, get ready for an adventure-filled journey! 

With its vibrant culture, stunning landscapes, and thriving and diverse business culture, the Philippines offers a unique blend of work and leisure. 

This article will provide essential travel tips based on decades of living in the country and highlight the top places to visit and things to do during your business trip to the Philippines.

Business in the Philippines

Building relationships and showing respect are highly valued when conducting business in the Philippines. Filipinos are warm, friendly, and hospitable, so greeting them with a genuine smile and a firm handshake is important, as it is for most countries worldwide. Take time to learn a few standard greetings in Filipino, such as “Kumusta po?” (How are you?) to establish an instant connection and generate one of those warm smiles!

It is customary to exchange business cards during introductions. Take a moment to study the card you receive and show genuine interest in the person’s position and company. This gesture demonstrates your professionalism and willingness to establish a meaningful business relationship. The Philippine’s corporate structure is very hierarchical, with titles significant to individuals. You will see some fancy titles as you get familiar with the outsourcing industry.

Filipinos value harmony and avoid confrontation whenever possible. Maintaining a respectful and diplomatic approach during negotiations or discussions is crucial to preserve the relationship and ensure a successful outcome.

Navigating Transportation for Business Travelers

Getting around the Philippines can be an adventure in itself. Manila, the capital city, is known for its bustling traffic. To avoid delays, consider staying near the business districts and utilising ride-hailing apps like Grab or booking a car with a trusted driver from your hotel for a hassle-free commute. Avoid taxis, as you will be thrust into the chaos of negotiating prices (or simply paying a very high rate!).

For your first visit, we strongly advise an airport transfer from your hotel. Be sure to have precise instructions on exactly where the driver will be waiting for you (ask what Bay number if they will be inside or outside the arrivals terminal). Depending on your destination, a hotel car may cost around $50-75.

The more frequent travellers may be comfortable booking a Grab car, but if you arrive at peak times, there is no guarantee you will get one on time. A Grab car will likely cost you between $10-20 to get to most hotels.  

When travelling within the city, the Philippines also offers various modes of transportation. Jeepneys, colourful and uniquely decorated vehicles, are a popular choice for short distances for locals. They provide an authentic Filipino experience but are not recommended for the business traveller. Enjoy their unique look from your hotel car!

Buses and trains are available for longer journeys, providing affordable options for exploring different parts of the country. These modes of transportation offer a chance to interact with locals and witness the diverse landscapes of the Philippines if that is something you wish to do. However, any form of public transport comes with a much higher risk of theft or other issues. 

Most business travellers would arrange a dedicated car and driver for the day for out-of-town exploring. You can hire these through most major car rental companies or your hotel. The cost will range from $100-$150 a day, depending on the car, plus fuel, tolls and driver tips. Generally, you will have the car for 10 hours for this process. 

Accommodation Options for Business Travelers

Regarding accommodations, the Philippines offers various options to suit every traveller’s needs. In major cities like Manila, you’ll find many international hotels catering to business travellers. These hotels often provide world-class amenities, spacious conference facilities, and convenient locations near business districts. 

Here are our top recommendations:


Raffles Hotel

Fairmont Hotel

Peninsula Hotel

Pasay (near airport & casinos)


Nobu Hotel


Hyatt City of Dreams


BGC (The Fort)

Grand Hyatt (Uptown BGC)

Shangri La The Fort (High Street)

Ascott Hotel (High Street)


Marco Polo

There is also no shortage of apartments you can rent on Air BnB.

If you have the opportunity, consider exploring eco-resorts in the countryside or near pristine beaches. These resorts offer a tranquil environment, perfect for unwinding after a busy day of meetings. They often provide facilities for team-building activities, making them an ideal choice for corporate retreats or conferences.

Overall, the Philippines offers diverse accommodation options, ensuring business travellers can find a comfortable and suitable place to stay while immersing themselves in the country’s rich culture and natural beauty.

Essential Tips for Business Travel in the Philippines

As you prepare for your business trip to the Philippines, remember a few essential tips to ensure a successful and enjoyable experience.

With its stunning landscapes, vibrant culture, and booming economy, the Philippines is a popular destination for business travellers. Whether you’re attending meetings in Manila, exploring the beautiful beaches of Boracay on a team-building weekend, or sealing deals in Cebu, this archipelago offers a unique blend of business and leisure opportunities.

Here are some additional tips to enhance your business travel experience in the Philippines:

Packing Essentials for the Philippines

Before packing your bags, check the weather forecast for your travel period. The Philippines has a tropical climate, so lightweight and breathable clothing is ideal, mainly if you are not used to the heat. 

While business attire is generally formal when dealing with government organisations, business casual or polo shirts are acceptable in outsourcing. 

Staying Connected: Internet and Communication

Staying connected is crucial when travelling for business. Fortunately, the Philippines has a well-developed telecommunications network. Most hotels, cafes, and restaurants offer free Wi-Fi, and you can easily purchase local SIM cards for affordable 5G data plans rather than use expensive global roaming.

With the rise of remote work and virtual meetings, having a reliable internet connection is essential. The Philippines boasts high-speed internet services, allowing you to stay connected with your colleagues and clients seamlessly. Globe and SMART are the two leading telecommunications providers. If you don’t pick up a local SIM at the airport, you can get them at most small convenience stores for about $1.50, and generous data plans are only around $4 for one week’s worth of data and local calls/texts.

Health and Safety Tips for Business Travelers

Ensuring your health and safety should always be a top priority while travelling. Before your trip, consult your healthcare provider for any necessary vaccinations. It’s also wise to carry essentials like insect repellent if heading to regional areas.

The Philippines is home to breathtaking natural wonders, but awareness of potential health risks is essential. Mosquito-borne diseases such as dengue fever are prevalent in certain areas, so taking precautions like wearing long sleeves and using mosquito repellent is advisable.

When exploring the bustling streets of the Philippines, be mindful of your personal belongings and stay alert in crowded areas. Drinking bottled water and being cautious of local street food stalls are also recommended to avoid stomach discomfort. However, take advantage of the opportunity to savour the country’s diverse culinary delights as long as you choose reputable establishments.

With its rich history and cultural heritage, the Philippines offers a myriad of experiences for business travellers. From the bustling city life to the tranquil countryside, this country will captivate you with its charm and warmth. So, make the most of your business trip by immersing yourself in the local culture, exploring the hidden gems, and building lasting connections.

Top Places to Visit in the Philippines

Now that you’re well-prepared for your business trip let’s delve into the top places to visit during your stay in the Philippines. From vibrant city hot spots to breathtaking natural wonders, this country will inspire you and keep you coming back for more (fun and work!)

Exploring Manila’s Business and Cultural Sites

Manila, the cosmopolitan capital, perfectly blends business and leisure attractions. Visit the historic walled city of Intramuros and immerse yourself in the rich Spanish colonial heritage. Explore the bustling business districts of Makati and Bonifacio Global City (the Fort), where you’ll find many trendy restaurants, bars, and shopping centres.

As you wander through the streets of Intramuros, you’ll be transported back in time to the era of Spanish colonisation. Admire the well-preserved architecture of the San Agustin Church, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and learn about the city’s fascinating history at the Casa Manila Museum. Take a leisurely stroll along the cobblestone streets, lined with charming cafes and souvenir shops.

When you venture into Makati and Bonifacio Global City, you’ll be greeted by towering skyscrapers and a bustling urban atmosphere. Indulge in a shopping spree at the luxurious Greenbelt Mall (Makati) or High Street (the Fort). Explore the vibrant nightlife scene in Poblacion (Makati) or Uptown BGC where superclubs like XYLO at The Palace can be found. 

You can try the local cuisine at one of the many acclaimed restaurants and savour traditional Filipino dishes with a modern twist, or find any other international cuisine you choose. We are happy to give you some recommendations!

Discovering Cebu: A Blend of Business and Leisure

Known as the “Queen City of the South,” Cebu is a bustling business hub with a rich cultural heritage. Take a trip to the iconic Magellan’s Cross, Fort San Pedro, or stroll along the vibrant streets of the bustling Cebu IT Park. Don’t miss the chance to savour mouthwatering Cebu lechon, a famous local delicacy.

When you visit Cebu, immerse yourself in the vibrant local culture by attending the Sinulog Festival, a grand celebration held every January in honour of the Santo Niño. Marvel at the colourful street parades, traditional dances, and lively music that fill the city with infectious energy.

Explore the pristine beaches of Mactan Island, where you can relax under the swaying palm trees and indulge in various water sports activities.

Davao City: A Growing Business Hub

Davao City has become a thriving destination for business and leisure travellers in the southern part of the Philippines. Marvel at the iconic Philippine Eagle at the Davao Eagle Center or take a refreshing dip in the crystal-clear waters of Samal Island. Don’t forget to try the famous durian fruit, known as the “king of fruits.”

While in Davao City, venture into the lush greenery of Eden Nature Park, where you can enjoy breathtaking views, go horseback riding, or try your hand at archery. Explore the vibrant street food scene at Roxas Night Market, where you can sample a variety of local delicacies. For an adrenaline rush, embark on a thrilling river rafting adventure along the Davao River, surrounded by stunning landscapes.

With its diverse attractions and warm hospitality, the Philippines offers a multitude of experiences for both business and leisure travellers. 

Whether you’re exploring the historical sites of Manila, immersing yourself in the vibrant culture of Cebu, or indulging in the natural wonders of Davao City, you’ll create unforgettable memories in this tropical paradise.

Top Things to Do in the Philippines

our business trip to the Philippines wouldn’t be complete without experiencing the country’s diverse array of activities and indulging in its unique culture.

When it comes to experiencing local cuisine, the Philippines is a food lover’s paradise. You simply cannot miss out on trying some of the must-try foods. 

Indulge in classics like adobo, a savoury meat dish marinated in a flavorful blend of soy sauce, vinegar, and spices. The tender meat, combined with the rich sauce, will leave your taste buds craving for more. Another must-try is sinigang, a sour soup made with tamarind, tomatoes, and various vegetables. The tangy and refreshing flavours of sinigang will surely awaken your senses. 

And for dessert, make sure to treat yourself to a serving of halo-halo. This refreshing concoction of crushed ice, sweetened fruits, beans, and jellies topped with a scoop of creamy ice cream is the perfect way to cool down on a hot day.

But the culinary adventure continues beyond there. For the more adventurous out there, feel free to explore the local street food scene, where stalls sell skewered meats, such as isaw (grilled chicken intestines) and Betamax (grilled chicken blood). 

For those who live life on the edge, Balut is a must-try. This fertilised duck egg may seem intimidating at first, but once you crack open the shell and take a bite, you’ll be pleasantly surprised by its unique flavour and texture (so we are told!).

Aside from indulging in the delicious cuisine, take advantage of your leisure time to explore the vibrant shopping scene in the Philippines. From bustling markets to modern malls, you’ll find a vast selection of souvenirs, locally-made crafts, and unique products. Whether you’re looking for traditional handicrafts, intricate wood carvings, or stylish fashion pieces, the Philippines has it all. 

If you find yourself with some spare time, make sure to immerse yourself in the Philippines’ awe-inspiring natural wonders. Take a hike to the breathtaking Rice Terraces in Banaue, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Marvel at the ingenuity of the Ifugao people who carved these terraces into the mountainside thousands of years ago. The lush green fields cascading down the mountains create a truly mesmerising sight. 

For beach lovers, a visit to Palawan is a must. With its crystal-clear waters, white sandy beaches, and stunning limestone cliffs, Palawan is often hailed as one of the most beautiful islands in the world. And for thrill-seekers, the world-renowned Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park offers an unforgettable snorkelling or diving experience. Dive into the vibrant underwater world and explore the colourful coral reefs teeming with marine life.

Now that you have a comprehensive guide to your business trip to the Philippines, it’s time to embrace this incredible journey. Whether you’re exploring the bustling cities, indulging in delicious cuisine, or building valuable connections, the Philippines offers a truly unforgettable experience. Get ready to combine business with pleasure in one remarkable destination!